There are some things I only share with our subscribers – get on the list & never miss out!
I asked this question on Facebook and you can imagine it went viral! The thing is for so many providers this is a common problem that we have to deal with.
I can completely understand how this can feel. In fact, I have been there myself.
Not too many years ago, I was getting tuition payments late all the time. They would come in all week which caused me to have to go back and forth to the bank four to five times a week.
This was so frustrating and was sucking the joy out of owning my own business. I knew I had to make a change.
I had to get tuition payments under control!
One day a teller at the bank told me that her sister was a former childcare provider who had to close her business. She said she closed because she actually lost her house because parents where either paying her late or not at all.
So I developed a plan to stop the late payers right in their tracks.
And guess what?
It worked! I can actually say that 98% to 100% of my childcare clients now pay me on-time or early. That’s right EARLY!
98% to 100% of my childcare clients now pay on-time!
I bet you are asking (begging) what did I do. This is something I wanted to share with all my fellow providers so you know what I did? I made a course to do just that.
In this course, Kickstart Getting Paid ON-TIME, I share just how I turned things around with even my most chronic late payers. I actually walk you through the easy steps for creating or recreating a payment policy that WILL WORK for your business.
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Oh and guess what? IT’S FREE! Yes, FREE!
Listen I know your schedule is hectic and you have few moments to waste, even if it is for something free. So here’s how to know if this course is for you:
Click below to signup and start this FREE COURSE today! I promise it will make a change in how you get paid and transform how you deal with late-paying clients! Start getting paid ON-TIME!
There are some things I only share with our subscribers – get on the list & never miss out!