10 Must-Haves for Childcare Safety

Safety in childcare is of course on the mind of parents as well as providers.   When it comes to children, you can never be too prepared.  Today I want to go over some must-haves for Safety in Childcare.  childcare safety

Top 10 Childcare Safety Items

1. Outlet Covers

childcare safety

You might be thinking of the standard plastic plugs, but there are actually quite a few options.  There are Self-closing Outlet Covers and enclosed Outlet Covers with cord shorteners that allow you to have access to the outlet while keeping it inaccessible to children.

childcare safety

2. Doorknob guard/Door Block

Door Knob Safety Covers allow adults to open and close doors but are designed to keep children from turning the knob.  There are also Door Stoppers/Anti-Finger Pinch guards that block the closing of doors and from little hands getting pinched.

3. Fire extinguisher

Fire Extinguisher with a bracket is an absolute must.  Be sure to check your local regulations for the correct grade you are required to have.  Most need annual servicing.

4. Gate

There are Safety Gates for just about every need.  Whether you need a gate to block a staircase, an extra-wide opening, or a narrow door, there is a gate for it.  There are even retractable gates that are there when you need them and disappear when you don’t.

5. Anti-tipping devices

If you have oversized furniture or a big screen tv, anti-tipping kits or straps are another MUST HAVE especially for furniture over 36″ in height.

6. First Aid Kit

childcare safety
This is a great one!

A well-stocked First Aid Kit is usually a requirement.  Be sure to restock this at least once a year.

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7. Gloves

Most of us will have gloves on hand for diaper changes, but gloves are essential for cleaning wounds as well.

8. Cabinet Locks

Just like the gates, there is a cabinet lock for just about every need.  Many of the daycare centers use the magnetic cabinet locks.  There are even sliding closet door locks.

childcare safety

9. Baby Monitor

A baby monitor can give you eyes to see what’s going on even if you are not in the room.  Especially handy at naptime.

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10. Emergency Services List & Emergency Contact Form

The Emergency Services List is a listing of contact information for local emergency services.  An Emergency Contact Form is a form for each child with persons to contact in an emergency.  Most licensing agencies will have specific forms for you to use but if not or you would like a different form, check here for several ideas.

There are the Top 10 Childcare Safety Items.  Do you have all of these?  Do you have a product that you would suggest?  Please leave a comment below and share your favorite.

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2 Responses

  1. I agree that childproofing the house can go a long way in preventing injury to kids. Safety locks on drawers and kitchen cabinets will keep hazardous chemicals away from children.

    1. I so agree! In most cases having safety locks is actually a requirement for licensure. Thanks so much for your comment Diane!

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