Adrienne Bradley Thriving Childcare

hI THERE! ...
I'm Adrienne

Welcome to Thriving Childcare

Hey there! I’m Adrienne Bradley, the brains (and heart) behind this childcare haven we call Thriving Childcare. Grab a cup of your favorite brew, pull up a comfy chair, and let’s get to know each other.

What’s the Buzz All About?

Well, picture this: a place where daycare dreams come to life, a hub of wisdom and support for all you fantastic childcare providers out there. It’s like having a seasoned business mentor who’s also a trusted friend, minus the awkward small talk.

Who Am I?

I’m no superhero (though my friends might argue otherwise). I’m just your everyday business enthusiast who happened to fall head over heels for the world of daycare. And boy, what a journey it’s been!

For the past six years, I’ve been your partner-in-crime, your confidant, and your go-to guru in all things childcare. As the founder and CEO of Thriving Childcare, I’ve had the privilege of building a thriving community of childcare providers just like you. We’re more than just colleagues; we’re a family, united by our passion for nurturing little ones and turning childcare into an art form.

What’s in My Toolbox?

Oh, let me count the ways! I’ve crafted specialized courses that are like treasure maps, guiding you through the jungle of daycare regulations and business strategies. And let’s not forget our exclusive childcare planner – your trusty sidekick in the daily hustle and bustle.

But that’s not all. I’ve brewed up a podcast, where we tackle everyday daycare dilemmas with a dash of wisdom and a sprinkle of laughs. Because let’s face it, who doesn’t love a good laugh when handling sticky situations?

Our online shop is like a candy store for childcare providers. With nearly 300 products at your fingertips, you’ll find everything from practical tools to quirky knick-knacks to make your daycare journey a breeze.

“I love connecting and sharing with other providers. .”

About the Author

Why I love this blog

A few years ago my sister actually inspired me to start this blog.  I had blogged before (or so I thought), but only with the intent of reaching my childcare clients.  I shared recipes, upcoming events, etc.  Really that first blog was more like a newsletter than a blog.

So, in 2015 I started and found that I loved writing to my tribe.  I have been able to share my own experiences as a provider.  Both good and bad.  What works and what doesn’t.

The blog is filled with tips and strategies for running and growing your childcare.  Things I do at my own business, but also advice from other providers as well.  If you’d like to jump in, you can subscribe here or below.  That way you won’t miss a thing!

I take your privacy seriously. By signing up, you agree to the terms in my privacy policy here.

My life with this blog

The truth is (cheesy as it sounds), this blog has changed my life.  I love connecting and sharing with other providers.  Doing so allows me to grow and inspires me at the same time.

At my main focus is on issues to help the busy provider start, manage, and run a thriving childcare business.  We will continue to address challenges that confront the new as well as experienced provider/business owner.  And we will develop products and services to help make that a little easier too.

Who this site is for

This site is for the ones who want to start or grow their childcare business. The ones who want to sidestep common issues/challenges and instead get ahead of them.  The busy ones.  The ones who would rather learn from others mistakes and experiences.  The ones who want a friendly yet unbias approach to streamlining childcare life. The ones who want to manage their businesses on their own terms, but aren’t sure where to start.  The ones who want to build a thriving childcare business.

Join Our Thriving Tribe!

Here's the scoop: Thriving Childcare isn't just a website; it's your one-stop shop for all things childcare. Whether you're just starting your daycare adventure or you've been in the game for years, there's a cozy spot for you in our thriving tribe. So, why wait? Dive into our world of daycare wisdom, chuckles, and camaraderie. Together, we'll turn your childcare business into a roaring success. Stick around, and let's make childcare history – one diaper change at a time. Cheers to thriving childcare,

Adrienne Bradley

Getting started

Now I know you probably want to know a little bit about me (hence the page name).  Ok, I’m game.

33 random things about me (TMI for sure)

  1. Call me Adrienne (but I’ll answer to Ms. Adrienne too except on weekends, giggle).
  2. I believe ladies keep their age private.  I like to keep people guessing.
  3. I’m no good at couponing but I’m a bargain hunting ninja.  Really!  Blackbelt even.
  4. I have 4 blogs.  Sounds impressive, but really more compulsive.
  5. When I was a child, I used to go to home childcare.
  6. I wrote a really short book about growing a backbone. It’s FREE so you should grab it.
  7. I have freckles, but a good foundation makeup hides them pretty well.
  8. I start every day with this prayer.
  9. I know how to but don’t love to cook, so I leave that to a pro – my husband.
  10. I love LOVE my Cricut.  It fuels my crafting craze.
  11. In my parallel life, I have time for all my crafting addictions like sewing, crocheting, upcycling, etc.
  12. I studied child development and obtained certification for Director in Child Development.
  13. I’m the mother of three grown children (yep, I made it through to the other side) and four adorable grandchildren.
  14. I still drive a 4-door, but I’m trying to convince the hubby to upgrade me to a sports 2-door.  #thekidsaregrown.
  15. I love to listen to Amy Winehouse (she’s my muse) while I’m cleaning crafting.  Love is a Losing Game is my favorite, but Back to Black is a classic too.
  16. I’m always attempting to get organized yet my desk is still always a mess.
  17. I have 5 Etsy shops (remember all that crafting?).
  18. I love to travel.
  19. I hate most pictures of me.
  20. I have a firm belief that no room is completely decorated.
  21. I love Casablanca Lilies.  They were in my wedding bouquet.
  22. I have been married for 30 years (this probably should have been higher on this list).
  23. I much prefer being a grandmother over a mother.  Being mom is hard work.
  24. Tacos are my favorite food. I could seriously eat them every day.
  25. I usually order tacos when we go out to eat (see previous).
  26. I hate exercise, but I got to get back on the wagon (see previous).
  27. I’m 5’4″ (I think). Funny because for years I thought I was 5’5″.
  28. I played no sports (except for PE) in school.  But I was a majorette.  That should count for something.
  29. I graduated from high school in a class of 19__.  Ahh, thought you caught me huh.  LOL
  30. Our dog Simba died 3 years ago and I’m still not over it.
  31. My favorite color is Tiffany blue, teal, or turquoise (yep, I have a Pinterest board for that).
  32. My favorite movie is Jaws (the first one, the others were crap).
  33. I’ve turned into a germophobe.  Probably understandable working with kids this long and handy during the pandemic.


Bored yet?  Now you know more about me than most of my family! I’m seriously thinking of having that list read at my funeral as a Q&A. LOL!

Connect with me

One last thing; I would love to hear from you.  I absolutely get giddy when I find a note from a fellow provider in my inbox.  Really I do!  So reach out, even just to say Hey!

If you have topics that you would like for me to cover I’m all ears.  I am here to serve you, my fellow provider.

Contact Us

Oh and you can always reach me at:

Thanks for visiting the blog!


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