5 Childcare Violations That Are Easy To Avoid

How do you get it all done? For most of us, the short answer is we don’t. At least that’s how I feel most of the time. I probably don’t need to tell you, providers are busy people (understatement).

It can be especially hard keeping things in order from your home life and maintaining a childcare safe environment. You know, checking for what your family might have left out over the weekend.

Those little things like shampoo on the shower deck or the toothpaste left out. Seems minor but could easily garner a provider a citation and possibly a fine.

Don’t believe me?

I will never forget when a provider told me she was cited for leaving a chemical out. Guess what the chemical was. It was a jar of Vaseline. Yep, apparently that’s a chemical worthy of a fine!

Tell me do you cringe when you even think about the shape of your files? When was the last time you checked the batteries in the smoke alarms? When will your fire extinguisher need to be serviced?

I get it! I mean who can keep up with all this?

There is always something that needs doing.

So, today I’m throwing us providers a bone with some quick and easy tips & tasks for getting more than a few things done. Even better, you will be able to accomplish most of these tasks in 5-15 minutes tops! Like during naptime.

Because even though providers are crazy busy most of the time, there are stretches of time where we might be able to fit it a task or two.

Get these’s tasks done during naptime this week:

5 Easy to Avoid Childcare Violations

1. Remove chemicals from within reach

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Most licensing mandates are clear that chemicals need to be out of reach of children. Take 5 minutes and move any cleaning chemicals (even dishwashing soap) to an inaccessible area. Either place them behind safety locked cabinets, on top of the fridge or in a hanging basket. The point is for any chemicals to be out of reach of little hands*.

*Be sure to check your licensing regulations for safe chemical storage.

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    2. Review & Update Children’s Files

    This one might take a little more time. Review each of your enrolled children’s files for licensing forms, updated immunization record, notices or any other forms. Maybe take one or two files per day.

    TIP: Develop a checklist for what forms should be in the file. Use and date that form to stay on top of regular file reviews.

    3. Childcare Roster

    Check your childcare roster for current information. Make sure that all the children are listed along with their emergency contacts. Update as needed.

    4. Fire Preparedness

    Check that your fire extinguisher is up to date. Make note of the next date of service. This is a perfect time to update and schedule your monthly fire drills.

    Related Reading:

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      5. Post Notices & Documents

      Once a month check your licensing website to check for any new or updated documents or notices that you should have posted. Note where these notices should be posted; either near the sign-in area or a specific parent notice area.

      We might not get everything done at naptime, but there are 5 easy things you can do to avoid childcare violations.

      One bite at a time!

      You know, I’m sure you can find at least 5 more tasks that you can knock out during naptime. The concept is by knocking out small, easy to accomplish tasks you can get the overall larger job done.

      Did today’s post give you any ideas about fitting in a small task here or there? How do you avoid childcare violations? I would love to know how you get it all done? Please leave me a comment below and share a tip.

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