No matter how you cut it, this year is different! It’s different for parents and children. But especially different for school-age students who may or may not be returning to school this Fall. This is why childcare will be even more essential this year.

With school districts scrambling to find solutions for comingling learning this school year while coexisting with the COVID-19 virus, parents are in a panic. They are wondering how they will be able to work, assist with online learning, and make sure they’re child doesn’t fall behind at the same time.
It’s All Over The News!
Even the news media has picked up on the story. Just about every day there’s a piece on how school districts and administrators are looking for solutions. Whether it be at the YMCA, libraries, or even parks, there is a need for smaller environments for student learners this Fall.
You only have to look as far a social media. Guess what’s trending on Pinterest right now? At-home learning. Of course, it is!
And the thing is, this might all be an experiment! Who really knows if the way the school year starts is how it will end.
Just yesterday, I read that a recently reopened college, amid over 100 infections in one week, is now reversing course and sending their students back home for online-only classes.
Who knows if school-age children will follow?
Related Reading:
Parents are Desperate!
Parents are even trying to come up with their own solutions by creating pandemic learning pods.

According to the NY Times, parents are desperate for solutions for this school year. Many are pulling together homeschooling pods, where 3-10 children will learn together with a parent or even a hired teacher.
Related Reading:
But did they forget about us?
In fact, I saw this coming. Right after the school year ended in the Spring, I thought if this continues school-age students will be returning to online learning in the Fall. And here we are!
But did they forget about us?
I also knew that providers could help! As essential workers, we could be called upon to fill the need for families who need to support their child’s online learning but also need to work.
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Childcare providers are uniquely equipped to step in now and fill the need in our communities. We can fill the learning gap for school-age students in our businesses.

And we can do it fairly easily, by setting up and providing online learning stations in our childcare settings. In fact, some parents are already taking matters into their own hands by reaching out to providers or furrlowed teachers to teach smaller pods of students.
This can be especially helpful for childcare providers who have been hit hard by the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Many providers report having their enrollment drastically dip or even closing amid the crisis.
Filling a need is not merely good business; it’s a basic attitude towards life. If you see a need, do whatever you can to meet that need.
Finally a Win-Win
Just like many other industries, if a business owner can find a need and fill it, there’s a win-win scenario. And in this case, the need for an alternate environment for student learning is definitely in need this school year.
Willing providers should consider adding supporting online students to their menu of services. While helping to fill an immediate need in their communities, it could also provide an additional revenue stream for their businesses.

Childcare More Essential This Year
The fact is the world is realizing just how important childcare is to economic health and recovery. More than ever before!
Parents will need childcare to either return to work, seek employment, or even work remotely. Which is why childcare more essential this year!
Providers are and remain essential workers for the overall workforce. And while we must continue to advocate for funding through congress to help many childcare businesses stay afloat, we must also continue to find ways to support our communities amid this continued crisis.
Find that need in your community. You might find that its supporting school age children this Fall.