Absolutely Free Legal Resources For The Childcare Provider

legal resources for the childcare provider

Sometimes the provider just needs a little help.  Whether it’s regarding licensing issues or even a legal matter about their childcare business.  The good news is there are actually some very good free legal resources for the childcare provider.  Here are some invaluable, save for when you need them, legal resources for the childcare provider.

One of my favorite things to do on this blog is to share resources. And today I’ve got some really good ones to pass along. REALLY GOOD FREE ONES!

Legal Resources for the Childcare Provider

These five resources are great for when a provider might have legal or licensing questions. So hold on to these for when you need them. Here are 5 FREE legal resources for the childcare provider.

1. Advocate

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a partner in your business? A partner that knew things you had no clue about. Even better, what if this was a silent partner? You got it! You’ve got an advocate! Most states have a licensing advocate program that you can turn to for licensing and legal questions. Check with your licensing office to see if you have an advocate program in your state.

For affordable access to legal advice – Call Today! – 870.300.2121

2. Insurance

Your liability insurer can be a greater resource far beyond just insuring your business. Many policies include coverage for attorney consultations should a provider need to defend against licensing or other issues.

legal resources for the childcare provider
For affordable access to legal advice – Call Today! – 870.300.2121

3. Union

Joining a provider union can be a great benefit to the provider. Provider unions have contacts and resources that the provider may not know about. Usually, they are able to point providers toward help for legal matters. Check out SEIU for a chapter near you.

Related Reading:

4. Red Leaf Press

Founded by the childcare guru and legend, Tom Copeland, this publication company is all about the provider. Not only do they offer hundreds of books to help the provider set up, develop and run their childcare program, but they also have a helpline and blog where the provider can reach out and talk to someone about just about any childcare issue.

5. Public Counsel

Need some real legal advice? Need help with your contract or a permit. Although based in California, Public Counsel has so much to offer. Years ago, they helped me to completely rewrite my Provider-Parent contract, making sure it legally covered my childcare business. Reach Public Counsel here.

Related Reading:

There are 5 invaluable legal resources for the childcare provider. Bookmark this post or keep these handy for whenever you have a legal or licensing question about your business.

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