How To Hire Daycare Staff During The Pandemic

All this year I have heard from daycare owners about how hard it is right now to find staff. This is affecting childcare businesses everywhere. So today I’m sharing a few possible resources to hire daycare staff during the pandemic.

4 Resources To Hire Daycare Staff During The Pandemic

One thing many daycare owners and small business owners, in general, may not have anticipated was the scarcity of staff during the Covid-19 pandemic. So many childcare providers have reported almost a complete inability to find qualified or even willing staff during the last year.

Even though many providers are seeing things turn around when it comes to enrollment, the effects of the pandemic are still being felt when it comes to hiring staff.

This is how to hire like a boss!

How To Recruit Daycare Teachers

So today, I thought I would share with you a few resources that might be a bridge to finding childcare staff right now.

In this video, I share a resource I have used in the past along with a few others and how they might be at least a temporary solution to hire daycare staff during the pandemic.


Here are the four resources mentioned for finding, hiring, and recruiting daycare teachers & staff during this pandemic.

  1. Local Universities
  2. Junior Colleges
  3. Vocational Programs
  4. High School Work Programs

Check with these programs for students who are either in need of on-site hours in a daycare program for their degree, certificate or as part of a work-study program.

Recruiting the best staff for your daycare

If you do find a program that you can use to hire daycare staff during the pandemic be sure to get all the information regarding the specific requirements for the student – duration or hours needed, etc.

Use this to create a substitute teacher handbook

You will also want to make sure that the candidates also have any needed state clearances and/or certifications pertaining to what your daycare license requires for a volunteer or teacher.

Related Reading:

Staffing Models For Daycare

While we are on the subject of staffing, now might be a good time to revise or put in place a specific staffing model for your childcare business.

Referring to your licensing requirements, develop a staffing plan. This will be one that you can use now and in the future for meeting your staffing needs.

Here are 7 great tips for hiring daycare teachers.

Resources To Rebound

If you are looking to hire daycare staff during the pandemic hopefully the resources shared here will help. Keep in mind, these might only be temporary solutions for hiring right now. But they may also be something you can rely on in the future as well. Think – substitute/vacation coverage

A real end of the pandemic may not be quite in sight yet. But we providers can continue to flex our superpowers of resourcefulness so that our business truly rebounds from such a difficult time.

Best Survival Guide for Substitutes

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