5 Common Daycare Onboarding Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

Daycare Onboarding

Training a new assistant or teacher is something that every daycare owner knows needs to be done. But for many of us is an easily avoidable task when there are so many other things that need to be done. You know the stuff you hired them to do?! Here is how to avoid 5 common mistakes in daycare onboarding.

How To Avoid Daycare Onboarding Mistakes

Here’s the thing, so many times when we need to hire a new assistant or teacher we really needed them a week ago. We may be understaffed and overwhelmed, so even when we do find the right person, we often don’t take the time to train or onboard them completely.

The issue is that creates a whole new problem! Now you have someone, but they don’t know how to do their job. At least not well.

So today, I thought I would cover a few of the most common mistakes daycare owners make when hiring, training, and onboarding. Let’s see if we can avoid them.

1. Understanding Why Daycare Onboarding Is Important

Realizing the importance of creating a specific onboarding process for your daycare is so important. Not just a short training will do when you want to attract and retain new hires.

Having a unique daycare onboarding process for your business can help your new hire to feel welcome and confident in their new position. Ultimately it sets them up to be the employee you want & need.

What to say when orienting & onboarding your assistant or teacher

Daycare Onboarding

2. Setting S.M.A.R.T. Daycare Onboarding Goals

Setting clear goals is essential to successful daycare onboarding. Consider creating a list of objectives using the SMART method:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Achievable
  • R – Realistic
  • T – Timely

This ensures your onboarding goals are essential and attainable.

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3. Use The Tech

One of the top reasons daycare owners give for not doing onboarding is the time that it takes. But what they don’t realize is that the process could be so much faster and easier if they automated it.

Consider using a pre-scheduled email sequence that helps to train your new hire even before their first day. You could even include a short welcome video that you can create on your cellphone.

You could also set up daycare onboarding training right on your website that you give your new employees access to after being hired.

The key here is to create a process that is thorough and easily repeatable.

4. Create An Employee Handbook

Another mistake many of us make is not having at least a basic working employee handbook. This actually works against us because this could be a great guide and resource, especially for new hires.

Welcome them to your team with this

Just start with a standard template and continue to build and refine your employee handbook over time. Your assistants and teachers can even help you by documenting processes as they do them. Maybe aim for at least one a week to start.

Oh and just as important as having a handbook is to make sure you update & revise it too. So make sure it is something you review at least annually.

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5. Circle Back To Evaluate

I know what it’s like to just want to be done with the hiring and training process. But despite our best judgments, sometimes employees wind up not being a good fit for our business.

This is why our daycare onboarding process really isn’t over after the training. We need to make sure our new hire truly is a GOOD FIT.

So plan on a probationary period that concludes with you reassessing and reevaluating whether or not your new hire should make the cut.

How To Avoid These 5 Daycare Onboarding Mistakes

  1. Understand and prioritize your new hire onboarding
  2. Set defined goals and objectives for your onboarding process
  3. Simplify the process using automation
  4. Create a manual that employees can reference
  5. Ensure your employee is a good fit

By taking the time to set in place a daycare onboarding process for your business you can avoid the missteps and frustration of having to work around an under-trained staff.

How to use onboarding to train & retain staff

Our new hires can only be as good as their training. Creating a thorough process ensures your new assistant or teacher is set up for success from the start.

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