5 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Childcare Assistant [INFOGRAPHIC]

Should you consider hiring an assistant - TW TCC

Like most childcare providers, when I started my business I ran it solo.  I was new to the business and full of energy.  Hiring a Childcare Assistant wasn’t even a consideration. Fast forward to a year later and I was overwhelmed.  The childcare enrollment had grown and was nearing capacity.  

Even though I was not required to have an assistant with my smaller license, I was finding it harder and harder to keep up with the daily tasks.  

With my energy level bottoming out and fast approaching burn-out, my husband suggested that I start to look for an assistant.  I did, and although some were the worst I did finally find a really good assistant and I have never looked back.  

Ever since then, I have always employed at least one full-time assistant.   Here are some great reasons why you might want to think about hiring a childcare assistant.

Should You Consider Hiring an Assistant?

Hiring a Childcare Assistant

Other Considerations for hiring a childcare assistant

Payroll Hiring a Childcare Assistant

Of course, bring in an assistant does require you to consider the additional funds you will need to pay that person.  

Orientation Guide For Daycare

I used to look at like this, approximately two of the tuition’s was going to be devoted to payroll.  I know that might seem like a lot of money to give up, especially when you are starting out.  But consider the additional benefits of having a person there to help you.  You might realize, as I did, it was priceless.

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Decent pay

Another consideration is the amount of pay to compensate your assistant.  At the very least, you should pay your assistant the state minimum wage.  That should be the minimum and you might want to consider offering them more.  


Well, even at childcare centers staff turnover can be very high.  This is understandable when you consider the low wages and mentally taxing work of a caregiver.  Offering above the minimum wage might make staff retention more likely.

Would you care for screaming toddlers or work at McDonald’s if the pay was the same?

Related Reading:

Hiring a ChildcareAssistant

Selling Point

Having an assistant can be an additional marketing tool to clients.  When you are touring or meeting with prospective clients, your assistant can be tending to the children or involved in a project.  This can give the appearance of a well run and organized childcare business.

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Hiring an assistant can be the added help you need.  Have you considered hiring an assistant?  Do you already have an assistant?  Tell me why you are considering getting the extra help in a comment below.
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Adrienne Bradley Thriving Childcare

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