KEEPING CHILDCARE CLEAN: Childcare Cleaning Products I’m Loving

If you are anything like me, you are always on the lookout for products that make your everyday life a little easier.  That’s why today I am sharing with you a few new products that do just that.  They make childcare clean up time a lot faster and easier.  Check out my new favorite cleanup up products for childcare. childcare cleaning products

childcare cleaning products

Childcare Cleaning Products I am Loving

Updated: 8/5/2019

Multi-Surface Cleaner childcare cleaning products

childcare cleaning products

I remember when I was just starting my childcare.  My aunt advised me to grab some pine cleaner and my home would smell fresh to prospective clients.  Well unfortunately not everyone is in love with the overwhelming smell of pine.  But I did still want my home to smell fresh.  

Mr. Clean Meadows & Rain with Febreze is a new favorite of mine.  I love the way it seems to deodorize any childcare smell in my home.  I use it to mop my floors and wipe down countertops.  Instead of being overpowering it just simply smells fresh.

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Paper Towels childcare cleaning products

childcare cleaning products

I know what you are thinking, what could be the big deal about a paper towel.  Well, these are not your ordinary paper towels.  These Bounty towels are infused with the cleaning power of Dawn detergent.  I know!  Genius rite?!  This is one of those products you wish you had come up with.

Plastic Wrap

childcare cleaning products

Press’n Seal has been around for a while now so you may be wondering why I am featuring it here.  Well, even though you may have used this product for years, maybe you are not using it as many ways as you can.  

Use Press’n Seal to cover highchair trays or tables at paint time.  Then when you are done, simply remove and toss.  Makes clean up a snap.  

Press’n Seal is good for more than just preserving those leftovers.  Do yourself a favor and grab the jumbo roll.

Trash Bags

childcare cleaning products

So what’s the big deal about trash bags?  Actually, a lot!  These Glad trash bags not only have odor shield but also incorporate the power of Febreze to keep your home from smelling like a childcare (if you know what I mean).  I use them not only in my trash cans but also as replacement diaper pail liners.  These are way better at controlling odors.

There you have it.  Some of my favorite products for cleaning up my childcare.  Leave a comment below and share your favorite childcare cleaning products.
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