Advertise Your Child Care for FREE

Just like any other business owners, childcare providers are always looking to get the word out about our businesses.  Since we usually don’t have huge budgets for marketing, free options are always intriguing.  So guess what, I have a treat for all of us today!  Here is a list of 10 Places to Advertise your child care for FREE!  I also have a challenge for you this week, so keep reading …


10 Places to Advertise Your Child Care for FREE!

This post may contain affiliate links. You can check my disclosure for more info!

1. Craigslist

Everyone knows about Craigslist, so much so that you might be thinking this resource is dead.

Well, hold on there!  Since everyone does know about it and it’s free, even if it just brings in a few inquiries a month why not use it?  The fact is I get most of my traffic from Craigslist or at least having my ads on Craigslist added to my online profile.  Craigslist is sort of a search engine these days, in that many consumers go there to check out the availability of services or products at least on occasion.  So post an ad on Craigslist, like I said even if it drives just a percentage of inquiries your way, that can lead to the one client you need this month.

Craigslist is sort of a search engine these days, in that many consumers go there to check out the availability of services or products at least on occasion.  So post an ad on Craigslist, like I said even if it drives just a percentage of inquiries your way, that can lead to the one client you need this month.

2. Facebook

I am told that you used to be able to advertise on Facebook for free, however now they charge businesses to BOOST a post.  There are some pages on Facebook now that say that they will allow you to advertise on their page for free, but most seem to only offer that for a short period of time.  Still, there are ways to get your business represented on Facebook so that clients can find and interact with you.  Go

Still, there are ways to get your business represented on Facebook so that clients can find and interact with you.  Go here to follow a step-by-step tutorial to setting up a business Facebook page for your child care business.  You will see options to Boost a post or pay for advertising which will allow you to decide if want to do that or simply set up your business page.

Whether you decide to pay for advertising on Facebook or not, just having a page is yet another point of contact for future clients and will act in the same manner as a traditional ad.

UPDATE:  Don’t forget to join other Facebook groups, like mommy or parenting groups.  Some will allow you post your ads.

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3. eBay Classifieds

Unfortunately, eBay Classifieds has been discontinued.

I have been a purchaser as well as a seller on ebay for years.  I am not sure when I found out about ebay classifieds but did you know they have a local classifieds section where you can post ads for FREE?  You can even post more pictures than on Craigslist and unlike CL your ads are live for months, as opposed to days, before you need to relist.  What I usually do is cut and paste the same ad I have on another site and repost it on ebay classifieds.  I usually will have at least two to three different ads live at one time, one for the different programs that I offer at the child care.

4. Mommy Blogs

About two years ago I noticed that I was getting inquiries that seemed to be coming from Mommy Blogs.  Although I have never really sought out advertising on these blogs, former clients of mine had created a presence for my business by talking about their experience here at the child care.  See if any of your current or former clients are active on such blogs and see if they would be willing to give your business a shout-out.  Mommies trust other mommies so this can be a very effective way of marketing and advertising your business without much effort from you.

See if any of your current or former clients are active on such blogs and see if they would be willing to give your business a shout-out.  Mommies trust other mommies so this can be a very effective way of marketing and advertising your business without much effort from you.

5. Your Website

Everyone has a website nowadays and you should too.  Most people will be looking for you to have an online presence before they even think about calling you.  It’s really easy to set up a website for your business and when you do you will have a 24-hour/7-day-a-week online advertisement for your business.

It’s really easy to set up a website for your business and when you do you will have a 24-hour/7-day-a-week online advertisement for your business.  Here, I get into some must-have things on your website.

Lately, I have thought of creating a page dedicated to current enrollment openings at my childcare.  You could easily add a Prospective Client Form to such a page and get info on a potential client even before you meet them.

6. Yelp

This is another site where clients just expect to see reputable businesses these days.  Unlike some of these other sites, once you are set up on Yelp your business profile remains live forever.  Your listing gains recognition from clients, current and former, adding reviews about your business.  If you don’t already have an account, set one up and invite your clients to leave reviews that will boost your presence.

If you don’t already have an account, set one up and invite your clients to leave reviews that will boost your presence.

7. Google Local Ads

Did you know that you CAN get your business on Google for FREE?

Most people know that having ads on Google can be a huge traffic generator to any business.

I know what you are thinking, yeah but that’s not free.  

But did you know that you CAN get your business on Google for FREE?   “Google is always looking to increase the value of its local search results — as well as its Google Maps application — the search engine giant has a simple way for you to provide them with that valuable information about your business, which it infuses straight into its search engine results.”  Check out this post to find out how to get your business on Google for FREE.”

8. Yahoo Local Ads

Just like Google, Yahoo also offers local business advertising for FREE.  Go here to set up your business profile so that your business comes up first when people use Yahoo as their search engine for local services.


Remember the days when you would receive that thick yellow doorstop, I mean phone book?  Well, the book might be dead as a resource for many of us, but Yellowpages still exists now as a search engine and you can advertise for FREE.  Go here and click “advertise with us.”

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10. Local Search Sites

Just because I wanted to round out this list with 10 FREE places to advertise I needed one more, but wound up with four.

Yea for you!,,,, and are more local search engine sites where you can enter your business phone number, and follow the prompts to set up your account.

By the way, the Internet is new all the time so be sure to search for other local businesses to find additional local directories and more opportunities to find out how to advertise locally for free on the Internet.

Want to remember this?  Save “Advertise Your Child Care for FREE” to your favorite Pinterest boards!

So here’s a challenge for you:  Choose one of the above sites where you currently do not have an account for your business and set one up this week.  Then let me know how it went.  I would love to hear if you get more inquiries for your business.
Then leave a comment here or post your results using the hashtag #10Ways4Free on Instagram @ thriving_childcare.

So what do you think, did you know there were so many places you could advertise for FREE?  Did I forget any? Leave a comment below with your favorite way to advertise for FREE.


Related Reading:

What you should include on your website

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