Is It Time To Refresh Your Childcare Ads?

childcare ads

Do you ever refresh your childcare ads?  If you’re anything like me you can get into a rut. You know what I mean?  Something is working and you just get comfortable with how things are so you just leave it.  

And that goes for just about everything. I have a tendency to get comfortable with something and kinda just let it ride. Lately, I started thinking about when was the last time I actually updated my ads. It has been a while for sure.  

Some of my ads, I am sure, have been running as-is for years.  Yes, I said years.  Just like anything, childcare ads can start looking stale after awhile.  So let’s look at how we can refresh our ads so that they get more eyeballs.

7 SIMPLE Ways to Refresh Childcare Ads

1. Any new programs or services?

If you have been in business for even a short while chances are you have either added to your program or at least added to the services you offer.  

Learn DIY advertising with this

Update your childcare ads by highlighting the many services you offer your clients.  If there is a unique service that you offer that is different than your competitors, you will want to be sure to mention it.

Oh, by the way, here are a few ideas for some services your child care could offer.

Related Reading:
childcare ads

2. Refresh those Pictures

Although still relevant, I know for a fact many of the pictures I use in my ads where taken years ago and of course those children don’t even attend anymore.  Why not give your ads an update with current or at least more recent photos?  Maybe you happened to catch a great picture during circle time that would be perfect for highlighting the curriculum component of your program.  Use it!

A WORD OF CAUTION: Be sure to get permission from parents to use photos of any children where their faces are shown.  If that’s not a possibility or you would rather just avoid it, use shots that don’t show their faces.

3. Pump Up the Projects

Do you ever take pictures of the projects you do?  Why not include one of those in your ad?  Just like the pictures of the kids, shots of fun projects can show how multi-dimensional your program is.  You might even create a collage of pictures showing quite a few projects the kids do at your childcare.  Posting a picture like that is sure to stand out.

How to use social media to market your daycare

4. Foodies Found

I love sending parents pictures of the foods that I serve the children.  I call those shots “Yum Alert”s.  The parents love seeing what the children are eating and often will request the recipe.  

Use a picture of a winning recipe with a caption like “The Kids loved these muffins this week.”  Show prospective parents how well their kid will eat in your program.

Related Reading:

5. It’s on the Website

I have talked before about how your website can give parents a preview of your program even before they tour.  When parents call they want more information about your child care.  Questions like your location, hours and even your philosophy can be answered by visiting your website if you have that information posted.  

Make your business card stick with this

Make your job a little easier and don’t miss the opportunity to send parents to your website right from within your ads.

6. Give a Pre-tour

Speaking of a preview; what about a tour?  Well really its more of a Virtual Tour.  Along with the great description of your business, you can actually give parents a real feel for your child care by providing a visual tour.  If you aren’t able to upload a video within your ad, try offering a visual or virtual tour on your website and send prospective clients there.

Related Reading:

7. Testify To Them

This might be the easiest one of all.  How about asking either a current or former client for a testimonial that you can include on your website, ads or social media sites?  A short quote or even a longer review can be very powerful for a new parent who is looking for childcare arrangements.  

Parents want to know what other parents have said about your business.  They look for recommendations.  Giving them a really good one or better yet two or three could just be the difference between yours or another childcare getting the business.

More is more!

There you have seven ways you can refresh your childcare ads. But I’ll bet you can find a few more right? How about:

  • Current or upcoming openings
  • A short bio of the provider & your assistant
  • How long you have been serving your community?

As you can see, here more is more! Don’t be afraid to strut your stuff. Inquiring minds want to know.

So when was the last time you posted a new ad?  Do you think you have some updating to do?  What is one takeaway or action item you got out of this post?  If you found this information helpful, it would absolutely make my day if you would leave me a comment below.

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