Thriving Childcare

Advice to a New Childcare Provider

Advice to a New Childcare Provider

I recently had a reader leave a comment asking for advice. Here is what she said;   Advice to a New Childcare Provider

“I am a mom of three… I am thinking of starting a childcare from home. But I am scared of leaving my safe job/check… I am scared I won’t be able to fill the spots. But I really want to be able to spend more time with my littles.”

I posted her question in our Facebook Group.  WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE THIS READER? Any advice?And here is what fellow providers had to say –


One provider said, “Where I live, we are the only licensed center in our county. There a quite a few “sitters” in the area but no quality home childcare. The key to stand out is to make your self a QUALITY home child care. Anyone can be a sitter, but if you set yourself apart from the rest of the crowd, then I think you will be fine. And word of mouth is your best advertisement, so if you have friend who you have watched their kids or they would trust you with their children, then have them make a plug for you in their crowd of peers! 🙂 Hope this helps, and Good Luck!”

It took me about a year.

Another provider stated, “It took me about a year to be where I considered my spots “full” (in both locations-I remarried and moved after 3 years in business)….but when you take away the cost of paying child care for your own children, it doesn’t take much income to break even and survive. Now, after 13 years in business (10 in this location), I turn people away all the time. For me, it was well worth the risk to keep me home with my own kids. My youngest is now in 10th grade and I’m considering a new career path when he graduates and am wondering if I will make enough money at an outside job :D”

It is a good job, and lots of people need a good day home.

This provider said, “Hi, you would fill your spots, as you have 3 of your own and you have someone looking after them, it would safe you money and also you would be earning around $850 per child as well.  It is a good job, and lots of people need a good day home.  Good luck.” Advice to a New Childcare Provider

If I didn’t step out I would regret it the rest of my life

Still another provider related stating, “Right now I am in the same place you are but knew if I didn’t step out I would regret it the rest of my life … still in the process … to be continued~~~~~

Set your promotional rates low just to attract enough clients

This provider broke it down, “If your charging $200/wk with food you make $800 per child monthly. If you charge $150 wkly then you make $600 per child. Set your promotional rates low just to attract enough clients to cover your half of the bills then you can end your promo and promote your normal rate to fill up the remaining spots. Works like a gem. I opened doors 7/17/17 and I have only 2 vacant slots which will be filled by the start of school next week.”

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Here is what I advised – Advice to a New Childcare Provider

“That is a great question. My advice would be to start slow. If you have any flexibility with your work schedule, maybe advertise to offer childcare for a time when you are off work. If that’s not possible, see if there is a need for evening or weekend care. See if there is a need that you can fill (and manage) and grow from there.”

There are some definite benefits once you do get off the ground.

“Here’s what I think; just like any new venture there will always be a bit of uncertainty when first start your childcare. For sure, there are no guarantees. But there are some definite benefits once you do get off the ground. Along with the advice I gave you before I would like to add this;


If at all possible it would be ideal to have some $$ put aside to cover your expenses for awhile while you are trying to get your first clients. If that is not possible plan for a start date for your childcare and market like a mad person.


Most providers say they get a good response from right here on Facebook, either in mommy groups or on their own page. So get going on that front.


Find out if there is a CCRC (childcare resource and referral) in your area and reach out to them.


Finally, I am almost certain many providers get many clients from just word of mouth. I know I sure did when I started and still do. Reach out to family, friends and coworkers to see if anyone is in need of childcare. You might be surprised to find that there usually is someone. NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK.

So what advice would you give a wanta be childcare provider? Any advice?  Was it hard for you to get started?
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6 Responses

  1. We all know what babysitters are like. Most babysitters (at least the rare ones I hired) will drink your soda, eat all the potato chips, and talk on the phone while “watching” your children sleep.

    Daycare Providers are not in the same category. Your daycare children will be spending a good portion of their day in your home. You will be expected to provide nutritious meals and activities.

    You will become, in the absence of their parents, their main emotional support. They need a nurturing provider who will give them plenty of affection.

  2. A word of advice though is to not open a daycare and care for your friends children. Things get weird when issues arise. Make sure to have all of your policies set, in place and ready to be completed before the child attends. I just opened 3 months ago after leaving my job of 13 years. We have 1 child. It is such touch work especially when you are just starting out. I agree with setting your prices low and dont get discouraged when people complain that they have to pay for childcare. After 3 months I am taking a break for the rest of the summer, restarting again in the fall after revamping my program so that it fits the needs of my family. You will sweat blood and tears but the laughter and the hugs are all worth it. Wish I would have taken the advice of blogs before starting my business. Good Luck! Connect with other providers on FB. Dont compare your program to others, be open to what other providers have to say. I have a provider that I talk to almost daily who has been doing this for 30 years. She has the best advice. Our programs are VERY different but she has so much to offer with ideas and advice. My son attended childcare with her for a couple of years and we still love her. It also helps if your partner is on board. My poor husband works more than full time but still helps me with little tasks when he is off. Having support of family and friends is critical, it will be hard but you can do it.

    1. YES TO EVERYTHING YOU SAID! Angela, you are so wise to seek the advice of a seasoned provider. What she has been through, her experience and knowledge that she has gained over the years is priceless and will hopefully spare you some of those tears. The best of luck with your reopening in the Fall. Be sure to check out some of my other posts on marketing and finding clients. Thanks for your comment!

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