Around this time of the year, I think it is quite normal to start thinking about the coming year. I mean Summer is in the rearview and the holidays are just about on the horizon.
If you are anything like me this is when I start thinking about next year and specifically next year’s enrollment. So today I want to give you some easy ways to boost your childcare enrollment in the coming months and into next year. Boost Childcare Enrollment

3 Ways to Boost Childcare Enrollment

Looking at the upcoming months, will you have spots opening up? Will you have infants moving into toddler status making room for new babies? If so, consider advertising for those vacancies now. You can create your own Pre-Enrollment program and get those spots reserved in advance.
Do a little research and see if there is a childcare need that you can fill. Do parents need longer hours (earlier or later)? How about childcare for an occasional date night? Perhaps if you expand your services you can reach more potential clients.
Related Reading:
You probably don’t need me to tell you that you should advertise for your childcare. Everyone knows that! But you might need me to remind you to find new ways of getting the word out.
Maybe you can find a local mommy Facebook group where you can market. If you don’t have a Facebook page for your business, think about setting one up.
The point is there is always someplace for you to get the word out about your childcare.
2 Responses
I just opened in August and so far I only have 2 kiddos enrolled. There appears to be a lot of interest, and I’ve given numerous tours but I just can’t seem to close the deal. They are impressed with my set up and have said how comfortable my home feels. I have a FB page (School of Grace Child Development Center) and I have handed out flyers. My gardener even offered to post some in his neighborhood businesses and the hospital staff room where his wife works. I also wear a necklace that says “I love my daycare” in hopes of getting attention of prospective parents. I just don’t know what else to do.
I know how hard it can be to get those first clients. Challenge yourself to find a new way to advertise the business each week. Try reaching out to a fellow provider or center. They can’t take everyone and may be willing to refer business your way. Also, think about offering a perk to the existing clients for referring someone else your way. Post an ad on Craigslist. Believe it or not, I still get quite a few people from there. Finally, find a forum where you can see how other providers are advertising their businesses and get on their board too. Soon those clients will be yours. As hard as it is, be patient and they will come. Thanks so much for your comment Charlesia!