How A Word And Person Can Inspire Your Year

Inspire Your Year

Last week we discussed why and how to start your year off by knowing exactly what you wanted to happen in your life this year. This week we will get into how a word and person can inspire your year. Let’s see how a good word or a special person can inspire us and help us accomplish our goals this year.

How A Word And Person Can Inspire Your Year

Have you ever had someone ask if you would put in a good word for them? What they were really asking you to do was to speak positively about them to someone else. They probably felt that if you did that, they would have a better chance of a positive outcome.

Why? Well words have power and speaking positively can encourage a better outcome. And guess what? We can also do that for ourselves.

As we get into this new year, consider choosing a word or phrase that speaks positivity into the goals you want to achieve this year.

Pick a Word…or Three!

So you’re trying to choose a new word for the upcoming year. You want something that captures all of your hopes, dreams, and inspirations for the New Year. If you’re struggling to choose a theme, it can be helpful to think of one word or phrase. Here are three reasons you might want to consider this method:

Inspire Your Year

One word or phrase invites simplicity.

There’s something about a brand new year that encourages you to become an overachiever. You plan to start a fitness regimen, start your childcare business, get out of debt, eat healthy, spend more time with loved ones, go back to school, or any number of other goals.

But having just one word or phrase to guide you can simplify your resolutions. Not only does this decrease stress, it also makes it easier to focus. You’re more likely to achieve big things when you’re not feeling pressured to do it all.


One word or phrase challenges you to be intentional.

It’s easy to think of resolutions like a dessert bar filled with cakes, candy, cookies, ice cream, and other goodies. You want one of everything, so it’s easy to load up on the things you think you’re supposed to want.

But what if you flipped the script? What if instead of trying to take a bit of everything, you just picked up one decadent dessert like a creamy cheesecake topped with a sweet cherry glaze or a slice of melt-in-your-mouth peach cobbler? What if you embraced the sweetness of now with a simple choice?


One word or phrase shifts your focus.

It’s easy to fixate on what you don’t like about yourself or your life. For example, if you’re in a bad situation that you can’t change, you may keep throwing around the word “stuck”.

But choosing one word to embrace can shift your focus. What if you used the word “purpose” to remind yourself that there’s a purpose for the situation you’re in? Or what if you chose the phrase “this too shall pass”?

A lot of creative people enjoy choosing a single word to act as focal point. Elizabeth Rider has a blog post with a list of words you might want to consider. Gretchen Rubin shares the words she and loved ones have used in the past few years on her blog.

You can let others know the word you chose by going to My One Word and posting about your word. You can even browse what words other people are picking for 2021 to give you some inspiration. Regardless of what word you pick, just have fun and enjoy doing it!

Related Reading:

Lean into this year by choosing a theme – learn more when you download your free workbook & journal!

Choose a Mentor to Inspire Your Year

Picking a theme or word for the upcoming year is a great way to kickstart the next 365 days. But don’t stop there. You may also want to choose a mentor. A mentor is someone that motivates you to keep pushing yourself and upping your own game. Here’s how to pick the best mentor for your upcoming year…

Inspire Your Year

Who Inspires You?

Start by thinking about who regularly inspires you. Maybe it’s the local daycare provider that’s crushing it with two locations or the crafty mom who turned her hobby into a thriving business that supports her family.

And yes!  It’s OK if you choose a mentor in a different niche. For example, you may choose a mentor who sells makeup online, even though you’re a childcare provider. Just because you’re in separate industries, it doesn’t mean you can’t be influenced by her.

Why Do They Inspire You?

As you consider who might be a good mentor, ask yourself why certain people inspire you. It may be they have something you want like a big business, a good marriage, or a great sense of style. It could also be something they already are like an artist, an entrepreneur, a speaker, or a novelist.

Getting clear on why someone inspires you is important. Once you know, you’ll understand yourself better and what it is you want to create more of in your own life.

How Can You Learn from This Mentor?

You can begin learning from your mentor right away. Read her blog and sign up for updates. Listen to her podcast episodes and take notes on the nuggets of wisdom that capture your interest. Follow her on social media and check in on her profile a couple of times a week.

Inspire Your Year

Study what works for your mentor and what doesn’t. Pay attention to how she structures her time and uses her energy. Note her goals and see how she reaches them and what tools she uses along the way.

How Will You Engage with Your Mentor?

As you’re learning from your mentor and soaking up her wisdom, don’t forget to engage with her. Comment on Facebook or reply on Twitter. Let her know how much you appreciate the fact that she’s sharing her journey.

Look for ways you could hang out with her, whether online or in a virtual space. Sign up for her webinar or attend the conference she’s speaking at. Watch her livestreams on Facebook or try to take her courses.

Finding a mentor doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. In fact, there’s probably one or two women that you already admire and can learn a lot from!


How A Word And Person Can Inspire Your Year

As we begin this new year, it helps to know how to gain support through the words we say or a person we admire. These resources help to motivate and bring us closer to actually achieving our goals.

Hey! Would you like a place to work through & write down your thoughts about your theme for the year? Download your free workbook & journal!

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