What Should you Include on Your Childcare Website?

your childcare website

Do you have your childcare website set up? No matter what type of business you have these days you need an online presence.  A website is one of the first things people look for when seeking information about your business.  Let’s look at some key things to include on your childcare website.

Why You Need Your Childcare Website

It’s just basic nowadays for giving credibility to any business.  A website also makes it easier for your potential clients to discover what your business has to offer and more likely to take the next step and contact you.  

Luckily there are so many low-cost ways to set up your website now and get you up and searchable in no time. Here Megan at Welcometothezoo.ca tells just why you need a website and how you can get a FREE website for your child care business.  But what should you include on your childcare website?

What to include on your childcare website

Imagine if someone was to tell a parent all about your business before you even had a chance to meet with them.  You would want them to tell the parent all the great things your business offers. Things that they might not find anywhere else right?

Well, that is what your childcare website can do for you.  

It “virtually” greets a potential client before you ever speak to them.  Before the first phone call or a meeting, your childcare website represents you and what you would like your clients to know about your business.  Check out these 12 things you should have on your childcare website.

your childcare website

12 things you should have on your childcare website

1. Type of business

Sounds super basic but this is a must!  Let potential clients know what kind of business you are in.  Talk about how long you have been in business or what benefits your program offers.

2. Resume

If you lack years of specific experience, think about posting a nice picture of you and a few personal relevant facts about you. Things that parents would relate to and feel they are getting to know you.  

You could even talk about your childcare philosophy.  This is your place to shine.  

Of course, if you have years of child development education or have worked with special needs children, be sure to let your potential clients know that.

3. Services

What type of services does your business offer?  Do you have full and part-time enrollments?  Maybe you offer a half-day program.  Here is where you let customers know whether they have options.  

Check out this post for suggestions for childcare services you could offer.

Related Reading:

4. Contact Info

Again, it seems simple but don’t forget to give all your contact info.  Make it easy for interested parents to reach you.  Not just your telephone number but your email, Facebook, and all your social media handles as well.  

This info could should be on every page.  Check out Google Voice for a FREE phone number you can use just for your business.

5. Hours

Be sure to post your hours of operation.  If those hours are longer than a competitor or can be extended, put that as well. Clients will easily be able to see if your schedule works with theirs.

6. Enrollment Forms

Think about getting the most use out of your website by offering easily downloadable enrollment forms to make the enrollment process a little easier for you and your clients.  Your ink cartridge will appreciate it!

7. Parent Handbook

Posting your handbook and policies makes them accessible to parents all the time.  You can easily convert your documents to PDF files and upload them to your website.  Now you don’t have to print out all those forms for every new client.  Just remember to update them regularly.

Related Reading:

By the way, if you have been putting off setting up your website, click here for the easiest way to get it up and running TODAY!

8. Holidays Schedule

Having your annual holidays posted in advance makes it easy for parents to schedule their days off around your scheduled closed days.  No more surprise knocks on the door on the 4th of July (yea!)

9. Blog

Think about adding a blog to your website.  This would be a great place to share recipes from the childcare, parenting tips, community events, etc.

A blog could likely reach more than just your childcare community but spread to a wider audience as well.  This not only creates a sense of community but also generates interest in what your child care is all about.

10. Sick & Illness policy

Having your core policies on your website can be a great help to parents who are looking for specific information when they need it, like when their child has a fever at 2 a.m.

Related Reading:

11. Testimonials

Reserve a page for past and present clients to leave testimonials.  Potential clients are always interested in what other parents are saying about your business and whether it would be a good place for them.  Make it easy for them to hear how great your child care is.

12. Extras

What about the extras?  Do you offer drop-in care, a curriculum-based program, school readiness, etc?  Let your website show parents why they want their child at your childcare.  

You might mention the type of neighborhood you have, quiet, family-oriented, any positive thing that will set you apart.  Remember you are “shining”.

Want to remember this?  Save “What Should you Include on Your Childcare Website?” to your favorite Pinterest boards!

Your Childcare Website Represents You

Your childcare website represents your business.  This will likely be the first introduction to your potential clients. So you need to make sure to take advantage of it and make a good first impression.  

What you choose to include on your childcare website, could be what makes that great impression that gets clients calling and better yet walking through your door. 

Do you have a website?  Let’s chat down below. What is one takeaway or action item you got out of this post?

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