Hosting special events at your daycare can be a great form of marketing for your childcare business. Check out how to create events that are not only fun but can make your business stand out too!
As a childcare provider, many of us dream of having childcare parents that are more like a community. We would willingly welcome clients who want to really be a part of our childcare. Parents who think of our childcare as a family. They donate their time or are ready to help whenever needed. Yeah, that would be nice. childcare events
Well, I have found if you build it they will come. If you create something for them to be involved in, many will do just that. What do I mean? There needs to be something to be a part of before people will join. You gotta throw a party before anyone will show up. Makes sense right? So let’s create something. Let’s create an event to remember.
How to Host Childcare Events

Several years ago I decided to throw an Easter Egg Hunt at my childcare. I don’t know that I intended for it to grow into an annual event, but that’s exactly what it has become. The first year I purchased all the stuff myself, stuffed all the eggs, and bought special decorations and treats.
WHEW! It was a lot of work!
The next year my assistant advised me that the parents would probably be willing to help. So I stepped out of my comfort (control) zone and asked the parents for a little help.
This will be the hit of the Summer at your daycare!
Well, actually it turned out to be a lot of help.
The parents each bought a pack of eggs and even the stuffings. All I had to do was stuff them, which turned out to be a perfect naptime activity.
Now our little Easter Egg Hunt has turned into a highly anticipated annual event. Some parents even take off work to attend. The kids love it! We have even had former clients come back for the event.
More importantly – the kids love it!
Here’s A Fun Boredom Busting Activity For The Kids!
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Easter Eggstravaganza
As I said above, we now have an annual Easter egg hunt. And each year I have gotten better at planning it.
The truth is, this one is pretty easy guys.
You can do projects leading up to the egg hunt. Make baskets, bunny ears, make bunny feet, etc. Get the parents involved by supplying some (or all) of the stuff or helping with decorating. If you’re lucky, all you will have to do is hide the eggs. Like I said, this one is really easy.
TIP: We ask the parents for non-candy egg stuffers. Here are some great suggestions.
Luau Lessons
Don’t think you have enough time to pull together a hunt this year? No worries! How about a Summer Luau? – This can either be a beginning or end of the Summer Event.
Check out this book I brought back from our Hawaiian vacation!
The kids love dressing up in grass skirts and wearing leis. This can also be a great time to learn about Hawaiian culture and cuisine (or an excuse to order a pineapple pizza).
The kids will love this re-imagined classic book!
Maybe you or a parent could teach a hula lesson. One year we painted faces and gave the kids tribal-looking tattoos. The ideas just are endless.

TIP: Skip the party store and make the grass skirts.
Other Events

You can even take a passion of yours and turn it into an event.
Ever since I was a child myself I have been obsessed with sharks. Needless to say, Shark Week is a big deal in my house.
So you guessed it.
We now have our own Shark Week celebration at the childcare. That week we learn about the many different types of sharks. In fact, it really is a weeklong study and celebration of all sea life.
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One year I even made shark-themed snacks. This year I might get that remote-controlled air shark I have been dreaming about.
Do you have a passion for a certain theme or holiday? Can you make it an event? You never know, it might be something you become known for.
This will be the hit of the Summer at your daycare!
Further Reading:
How to Build Credibility For Your Childcare Business
Marketing Kit for Child Care – the How and the Why
Advertise Your Child Care for FREE
Are you going this year?
One final thought; hosting childcare events can be an undercover marketing strategy.
At our Easter Egg Hunt, parents take pictures that, of course, inevitably turn up on social media. Ask the parents to tag you (or upload to your Facebook page) and you have the pictures you were too busy to catch.
You know it doesn’t have to be just one event. It might be a smart idea to plan and have a few events scheduled throughout the year.
2 Responses
Awesome ideas!!!!
Loved them all 🙂
Thanks Deanne! Events can be fun. Especially if the parents help.