3 Must Do Things A Childcare Provider Needs To Do Every Year

The beginning of the year can be exciting and chaotic at the same time. While we want to start laying down some specific goals, it can be hard to know what to prioritize or where to start. In this post, we will look at a few key things childcare providers need to do every year.


Key Things A Childcare Provider Needs To Do Every Year

1. Update Childcare Contract & Policies

Starting the year on the right foot means ensuring that your childcare contract is up to date. Contracts are like the backbone of your childcare business – sturdy, reliable, and sometimes in need of a little adjustment. Here’s why:

Clarity is Queen

Parents rely on your contract to understand the terms and conditions of your childcare services. Over the course of a year, policies may change, fees might be adjusted, or you might introduce new programs. Take the time to review and update your contract to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings down the road.

Childcare Provider Needs To Do
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels.com

Legal Eagles, Take Flight

Laws and regulations evolve, and it’s essential to ensure your contract and policies comply with the latest childcare laws. A legally sound contract not only protects your business but also fosters trust with parents. Make sure your contract and handbook are up to date and reflect any changes you’ve made in the last 12 months. An annual contract review is like a legal health check – better safe than sorry!

Reflect Changes in Services

Maybe you’ve added a fantastic new learning program or adjusted your hours of operation. Update your website to reflect these positive changes. Maybe note them in your next newsletter too. This not only keeps parents in the loop but also highlights your commitment to continuous improvement.

PRO TIP:  Reviewing your contract can also help to remind yourself as well.
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2. Review Sick & Illness Policy and Procedures

Health and safety are top priorities in childcare, and your Sick & Illness Policy is your playbook. Early in the year is usually when there is a spike in illness due to holiday get-togethers. Give your policy a thorough once-over to make sure it’s ready for whatever germs the new year may throw your way.

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Germ Warfare 101

Kids get sick—it’s inevitable. But having a robust Sick & Illness Policy helps you minimize the spread of germs. Make sure your policy is clear on when children should stay home, when they can return, and any required doctor’s notes. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of tissues!

Related Reading:

Staff Training Refresher

Take the opportunity to train your staff on any updates to your Sick & Illness Policy. A well-informed team is your first line of defense against any health-related hiccups. Plus, it shows your commitment to providing a safe and healthy environment for the little ones.

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Communication is Key

Communicate any changes in your Sick & Illness Policy to parents. A well-informed parent is a supportive parent, and transparency builds trust. Keep everyone on the same page to create a healthy and cooperative childcare community.

Related Reading:

3. Project Upcoming Enrollment Vacancies

It’s like predicting the weather for your childcare business—forecasting upcoming enrollment vacancies. By looking ahead, you can strategically plan, market, and ensure a steady stream of income.

Related Reading:

Spotting Trends

Analyze historical enrollment data to identify patterns. Are there specific months when enrollments tend to drop? What happens in the Summer and between August to January? Understanding these trends allows you to be proactive in filling vacancies before they occur.

Marketing Magic

Use the insights from your enrollment projections to tailor your marketing efforts. Launch targeted campaigns during periods of expected vacancies to attract new families. It’s like putting up a “Welcome” sign for potential enrollees!

Waitlist Wizardry

Maintain a waitlist for interested parents, and utilize it strategically. When a vacancy is on the horizon, reach out to those on the waitlist. It’s an efficient way to fill openings and ensures a smooth transition for everyone involved.

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3 Must Do Things A Childcare Provider Needs To Do Every Year

Taking the time to review key aspects of our childcare businesses can make a significant difference. An updated contract & handbook, a solid Sick & Illness Policy, and strategic enrollment projections contribute to creating a sustainable and profitable childcare business. 

Let’s make this year the best one yet for our little learners and our thriving childcare businesses!

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