How To Use Childcare Perks To Boost Enrollment [INFOGRAPHIC]
Have you ever considered offering a perk to seal the deal and get that new client to enroll? No? Well, businesses use perks all the time to encourage customers to purchase. See how using the same tactic could help boost your childcare enrollment. Today I’m sharing some perks to boost childcare enrollment.
The Easy Way to Get Two-Week Childcare Notice Every Time
Yep! You read that right. It’s easy and it works every time. So if you have ever had parents that skipped out on you, this post will help you fix that. PERMANENTLY. Here is the easy way to get two-week childcare notice every time.
Who is The Child Care Enforcer?
I probably don’t need to tell you that there’s a lot more to running a childcare than just watching the children. A childcare provider wears many hats. Most of them all at the same time. And while we try to find a balance between our provider and personal sides, sometimes we could use a little […]
This Is When A Provider Should Absolutely Charge Childcare Fees
Ever notice how businesses charge extra for things? You know. Like if you need a package to be delivered sooner than the standard delivery. There is usually an extra fee for that. Or if you exceed your limit. Like for banking or a credit card. Or even an extra channel on your cable service. You […]
5 Childcare Violations That Are Easy To Avoid
How do you get it all done? For most of us, the short answer is we don’t. At least that’s how I feel most of the time. I probably don’t need to tell you, providers are busy people (understatement). It can be especially hard keeping things in order from your home life and maintaining a […]