Do you know your ideal childcare client?
Do you know who your ideal childcare client is? You know, your dream parent or family. Have you ever thought about it? Who would be your perfect client? Well, today we are going to figure out just how to identify who that is and why it might be one of the most important things know for […]
What to do if the childcare competition is less?
A problem that many providers may have at one point or another with their business is – What should you do if your childcare competition is less than you are? If you have dealt with this issue I am sure you must have thought “OH NO! They are probably going to steal all of my […]
PRICING STRATEGY: Pt. 1 Why Providers Need A Pricing Strategy
Today I thought I would talk a little bit about why you need a Pricing Strategy for your Family Child Care (FCC). I say strategy, but really its more of a pricing policy for getting paid what you are worth. Spoiler Alert: it’s actually not going to lead to a rate of pay that is […]
TELL THEM! – How to Get Clients to Follow Childcare Policies
Do you struggle with client communications? Specifically, do you feel that parents just aren’t following your policies? Maybe you think they are doing this on purpose and just running over you. Today I want to ask – What would you tell your clients if you had the chance? Would you tell them to be better at […]
Why Providers need to Grow a Backbone
“I know! I need to grow a backbone for dealing with parents.” I hear this from providers all the time. Believe me, I have been there too. As providers, sometimes we find it difficult to effectively enforce our policies with clients. That’s why today I will show you why growing that proverbial backbone and feeling confident in […]