Cleaning Toys In Child Care – EASY Ways to Clean Toys

With a new year, comes thoughts of starting off fresh.  The new year always gives me the urge to purge.  I start looking around and deciding what can go and what new things we need.  While it’s true that many things just get worn out and need to be tossed, somethings just need a good clean […]

Things I Stopped doing at my Childcare and Why

Usually, when a provider thinks about starting their childcare they think about all the things they want to do.  We have grand plans for curriculum and caring for the children we hope to get.  We probably rarely think about what are some things we don’t want to do.  Well, today I’m going there.  Here are […]

What’s the Plan for Your Childcare Next Year?

You know that old adage “Failing to plan is planning to fail”?  Benjamin Franklin said that by the way.  Well, I found that in most cases this is true.  The fact is we get busy and if we haven’t made a plan for our childcare or at least written down our goals we tend to […]

2017 Holiday Gift Guide for Child Care

Now that the Holiday season is upon us I wondered what was on a provider’s wish list.  Let’s see just what’s out there that providers would love to have at their childcares this year.  Some don’t even need batteries.  Imagine that!    I started this last year, and it was so much fun.  So here it […]

JUST A MINUTE – When You Can’t Answer the Door!

when you can't answer the door

Has this ever happened to you: you’re changing a diaper and the doorbell rings?  You’re in the middle of everything and just can’t stop to run to the door. You can either take a bare-butt baby to the door with you (not a good look) or you can make whoever is at the door wait.  What […]


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